Tuesday, April 12, 2011

As I breeze through the day

As I sit here in Miami on my mini vacay, I come to find this city is a big melting pot. For a moment, I considered that maybe I can live here. After more thought I figure there is no place like home.

Miami is a city that never sleeps, and I need my sleep. This place is strictly for partying and having a good time. Houston on the other hand has a shut down time. Now I see why. I can't imagine Houston with clubs that don't close. True we have after-hours joints, but not that many of them exist anymore.

I'm glad I live in a city that closes, I think now I just prefer to get my beauty sleep over clubbing. Does that mean I'm getting old? LOL...I guess so.

I love to travel and see the world, but it feels good to know I have a place called home in Houston, TX

Monday, March 28, 2011

Friends, How many of us have them

So in  my 30 yrs on this earth I have just come to the conclusion I use the word Friend towards the wrong people.

Some people are for a reason, season, and or lifetime. A millionaire once told me that there is nothing wrong with having a lot of friends, you just have to have the right friends. The more I think about that statement the more I wonder.

According to Whodini "Some are ok, and they treat you real cool, But some mistake kindness for bein a fool"  This song is so true and rings out to me.

I will no longer call everyone my friend. Yes I know a lot of people but I know feel like ZRO "ain't no such thing as friends, only associates"

It seems as though people are around when you doing good, but when you are in need, no one is around. 

I do know I have a friend in Jesus Christ and he will supply all my needs!

The only people that truly have your back is your family. 

My family has been there for me, my 2 sisters and my mother are my best friends. My dad and my brother are my protectors.

I love my family and I appreciate everything they do for me.

Granted I do have a couple friends, but I'm starting to see a lot of people true colors. Everyone is so caught up in their own lives, to the point they don't have time to be a blessing to other people.

I'm not a person looking for handouts by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know since the wreck that occurred 2 months ago, God has been cleaning a lot of people out my life.

Seeing as how I don't have a car at the moment, God is showing me how to sit still, because I'm really a busy body. However I can only hear his voice when I'm sitting still. An Idle mind is the devils workshop, therefore I don't sit for long. 

Well these are my thoughts at the moment!
